Monday, 2 July 2012

Drug & Alcohol Treatment: Exploring Complementary & Alternative Therapies

Drug & Alcohol Treatment: Exploring Complementary & Alternative Therapies


This post briefly examines the nature of drug addiction in the light of one of the oldest living medical systems amongst human culture, the Chinese Elemental system.  Some aspects of this material and following essay may appear contentious to the western mind, trained to relentlessly ask, is it?  May I suggest using the oriental frame of reference, if it works, then it is.

And that’s been good enough for more than a third of the world’s population health needs for a very long time.  Summary explanations for key concepts are in the essay following the video presentation, entitled "How drugs work", it is by jost Sauer.

Better and better



“An Elemental Perspective of Drug Use, Repair and Recovery”

Anthony Eaton

Brief explanations of some important concepts.

·      Our bodies regulate their own internal environment; an unceasing process called homeostasis, the state of relative stability of the body’s internal environment.  It is the first principle of anatomy and physiology that we are set to seek homeostatic balance, and in a powerful sense we are naturally addicted to this balance.  All of us, no exceptions.

·      Beneath our bodies lie the atomic world of positrons, electrons and neutrons.  Below this world of amazement is a world of pure energy, defined by quantum mechanics as the Universal Energy Field (UEF).  We are all working out of it.  No exceptions.  The first law of thermonuclear dynamics says that energy cannot be created or destroyed.  Further, energy always has been, always was and always will be, and further again energy moves into form through form and out of form.  The ancient Chinese who observed this natural phenomena gave it a name, Qi, (Chi).

·      As a biological species we are carbon based, gelatinous sacks of salt water, generating electrical charge, all contained within an electro magnetic field, known as the Human Energy Field (HEF) (Brennan p3-5).  Supporting our perception of the reality of life are the organs of our bodies.  They nurture, assimilate and transform the Qi of food and air and water into the life giving properties that we take for granted.  They produce “control” from “chaos” and store the mysteries of our universe. 

·      Chinese medicine is paradoxically complex and simple.  Each of our bodies contains 12 meridians (in pairs), containing 365 acupuncture points.  Meridians may be conceptualised as energetic irrigation channels, each acupuncture point, a special point where energy is distributed, irrigating Qi into functional bodily systems.  Acupoints provide fresh chi to each of the organs, which in turn are responsible for reality as we comprehend it through our emotions, thoughts, attitudes, physiology and spirit; the experience of the body-mind.

·      Everything is relative with no absolutes, only complimentary pairs or opposites of polarity.  In Chinese thought this phenomenon is known as the principle of Yin/Yang.  Yin is conceptualised as the shady side of the mountain, feminine, dark, receptive, contracting, cold, left, “force of the earth”, inner.  Yang is conceptualised as the “sunny side of the mountain”, masculine, light, expanding, hot, active, right, “force of heaven”, outer.  Yin is non-active and going within, Yin is stillness.  Yang is active and expansive.  Yang is doing it.  Yin/Yang regulate flow of Qi, through the frequency of expansion and contraction.

·      The phases of energy between Yin/Yang of the Five Element system have been observed to be related to each other in an orderly, organised and predictable cycle of generation and control, known respectively as the Shen (generation/production/creation) and the Ko (control) cycles (Hammer p56). The following summary reflects the nature of the Law of the Five Elements with respect to bodily organ, emotional and psychological function:

 Fire Heart & Pericardium Houses the mind (Shen), governs the flow of blood
Joy, awareness, self-identity, harmony, sensitive, well integrated, joyful; Love
Shen Fire nutures Earth, the ash returns, summer to late summer

Ko Fire melts and warps the Metal

Earth Spleen/Pancreas & Stomach Transforms & transports Qi, controls the blood
Reflection, concentration, cognition, sympathy, attentive, thoughtful, supportive; Empathy
Shen The minerals of the Earth create Metal, late summer to autumn

Ko Earth contains the Water

Metal Lung & Large Intestines Governs Qi & respiration, distributes Qi & bodily fluids
Grief, boundary, instinct, interaction, communication, vital, connected; Reverence

Shen Metal nutures Water, autumn to winter

Ko Metal cuts the Wood

Water Kidneys & Bladder Stores the genetic essence (Jing), control of water
Fear, will power, stamina, ingenuity, determination, resourceful, wise; Wisdom

Shen Water nutures Wood, winter to spring

Ko Water puts out the Fire

Wood Liver & Gallbladder Ensures smooth flow of Qi and blood, stores the blood.
Anger, purpose, foresight, adaptability, motivated, well organised, easy going, Compassion

Shen Wood stokes the Fire, spring to summer

Ko Wood covers the Earth

·      The Law of the Five Elements determines health all of life.  There is no need for pathology or psychology, only an appreciation for the art of living.  Nothing is by accident; all in our world has a reason, synchronicity.  There is no right or wrong, only a world of energetic adventurers.  From this perspective all drug taking action is correct action by the individual.  No exceptions.


Brennan, Barbara Ann, Light Emerging, The Journey Of Personal Healing, pp3-5 Bantam Books, USA, 1993

Hammer, Leon, MD. Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies, Psychology and Chinese Medicine, Eastland Press Inc, Seattle, USA


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