Thursday, 14 June 2012

Nicotine: Some Recommendations for R.epair & Recovery

Nicotine: Some Recommendations For Repair & Recovery

o  Nicotine activates adrenal hormones, plays havoc with blood sugar and changes brains

o  When you first feel the need for a cigarette, go for an apple etc., as this will raise your blood sugar level (a big factor that triggers cravings).

o  Regular exercise, follow your chi cycle (look out for relevant post).

o  Drink plenty of water.

o  Get plenty of sleep.

o  Avoid stimulants or triggers (people, beverage of choice, place and space)

o  First four days are the biggest challenge, but ALL cravings subside, eventually.

o  Nicotine has a signature tone; she is possessive, very, very possessive.

o  Keep on hand “Rescue Remedy” and/or “Space Clearer” homoeopathy's.


o  Metabolic diet: which means everything fresh, organic and vibrant and healthy.  Nothing processed or cooked by someone else (wherever possible).

o  Adequate protein, nutrient rich whole grains, fruit & vegetables. 

o  High quality vitamins and minerals as this will stabilise your blood sugar and hormone levels. 

o  Emphasis on food containing slow release carbohydrates combined with food rich in proteins. 

o  Nuts and seeds to any amount.

o  No nightshades: tobacco, potato, tomato, capsicum, and eggplant.

o  Low red meat intake.

o  A good intake of essential fats (omega 3 & 6). 

Herbs & Supplements Of Use And Note

o  Take your supplements

o  Increasing the alkaline balance of your body helps to reduce cravings.  Baking soda is the simple answer

o  Calcium (600mg)

o  Magnesium (400mg)

o  Alkaline powder (2 tbls.)

o  Vitamin C (1000mg)

o  Chromium (1000mcg)

o  Niacin (50mg)

o  Anti-oxidants

o  Nervine herbs: Hops, Passionflower, Skullcap, Valerian, Golden Seal.

o  Tonic herbs: Liquorice root (promotes the action of adrenal hormones, since nicotine acts as an adrenal stimulant, additional adrenal support can be helpful during the withdrawal phase), Ginseng, Echinacea, Milk Thistle, Valerian, Cats Claw.

o  Herbal alternatives for harm and use reduction, Passionflower, Damiana and Mugwort.

“Enjoy the return of your original person”

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